家长s and Families

parent with their student on-campusWelcome 家长s and family members!
The Cougar family is here for you and your student all the way from the application 到毕业. We understand that your biggest investment is in your family, and you are trusting us to help them reach their academic and career goals. This is a responsibility we don’t take lightly. Your student’s success is our top priority. Family values are essential, and these are the ones we believe in to our core.
• Service and Involvement
• Creativity and Innovation
• Academic Excellence
• Dignity and Respect
We are honored to support your student and recognize your role in getting them this 远. Research shows that family involvement is positively linked to students’ college aspirations and to higher academic achievement.

家长 & Family 在线 取向                 家长 & Family 在线 取向 (SPANISH VERSION)



How can I continue to support the success of my student?

#1 Communication: While your student may not reach out to you, that doesn’t mean they don’t need to 说话. Try some of the following 说话ing points to let them know you care and are interested in supporting them on their college journey.


#2 Encouragement: Try to avoid criticism or judgment. Be their biggest cheerleader! Embolden them to get involved in activities and organizations on campus. Highly engaged students are more likely to be successful. Find out when final exams are, and send them a supportive note or a care package. These could be stressful times. Share about a time in your own life when you struggled and about the learning experience you gained. 提醒他们 that their professors have office hours set aside to provide help and to answer questions. Getting to know professors helps students feel more connected and generally do better in their classes.


#3 Responsibility: We understand that it can be difficult to relinquish control. But letting your student take responsibility and ownership of their own education is an invaluable opportunity 对经济增长. Don’t be fearful for the mistakes they will make. Mistakes are part of the learning process. When students take responsibility for their own endeavors – they also get to take credit for their own SUCCESSES!

Additional Resources

New Student 取向


First Year Experience

student in graduation robe as confetti is in the air